Friday, August 19, 2016

The More You Know

As I spent the day researching and sorting out different travel plans and formulating what it is I am going to do with my 215 days left on the other side of the pond, I realized something...

I have not spent nearly enough time travelling on this trip. Looks like there is going to have to be a Euro trip part two. I also realized that stressing about what I'm going to do once I leave Ireland is silly because as we know things always fall into place for me and the T-Man.

Being off work for a couple of weeks thanks to my back I started stressing about money. Making €10/hour doesn't really leave a lot of space for saving. As I have been on proper pain medication daily for the past month or so I have not been drinking, which I thought would be saving me heaps of money but turns out attending physio twice a week is about the same amount I was spending on alcohol. Feeling the desire to tighten my purse strings and really curtail my spending I had set about a plan. No spending, that way I could save as much as possible.. Then I realized I'm not even working full time hours thanks to my stupid back, and the frustration, overwhelming feelings and anxiety set in.

Then Tompers reminded me embrace where I am, to not stress so much about money. If I don't do anything in an attempt to save money what is the point in living? Also there are so many places we still want to go and need to go before leaving Ireland for good. Normally my solution would be to get a second job buckle down and really save, then do everything when I leave. Unfortunately I am physically unable to do that so I'm going to have to compromise and do a little traveling, cross some more things off the ol' bucket list and save what I can.

It turns out I am rather skilled at finding the cheapest flights, the inexpensive but nice hostels, and the most cost efficient way of getting around foreign places. I'm not sure if its from the past couple years of travelling or if some of it is thanks to my love of research. But I feel like I have found something I am passionate about... I absolutely LOVE trip planning...