Exit plan is in the works. I am leaving Ireland in the new year. I know I keep pushing the dates back it's just so hard to save any sort of money here. I have come to terms with the fact we will have to find work along the way to make this work. We're also going to have to get over to Eastern Europe as quickly as possible as things are much cheaper over there. Everything always works out and it will this time too! But the first week of January is forsure. I'm just trying to decide it I want to go to Scotland first or fly straight to Belgium.
France is in the works for October. Flights have been booked and now it's just a matter of figure out the logistics for when were are there. I want to do it as cheap as possible so it doesn't take too big of a dent out of my leaving funds. However it's France, it's going to cost a fortune. C'est la vie.
I just keep hoping to get a cheque from ICBC reimbursing my medical expenses. I haven't seen anything from them in so long. I emailed to find out what was going on, but shockingly no one has gotten back to me yet. Maybe I hired a lawyer too soon. I didn't think it would affect being reimbursed for expenses they are meant to cover. This whole thing is a daily stress on me and its a big part of what is changing my plans for the future. Also being in constant pain isn't exactly a good time. Now that I'm nearing the one year anniversary of my accident I'm realizing it's time I come to terms with the fact I may never get better.
Well now hasn't this been a downer.. jaysus. Sorry I'll try to fill it with butterflies, rainbows and lollies next time! My life really isn't that depressing! I promise.