Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Times, they are a changing...

A smile creeped across my face late at night, sitting alone in bed. TBH Tomps is with me, but as of late he just stares out the window on days we are not adventuring and I feel as though I have trapped him in a box. The poor bear needs to get out.. He’s started a countdown to Australia… Maybe he needs sunshine as much as me.

This blog has been hard to write because I was feeling stuck, and I’m starting to get ants in my pants. Tompers is restless and I feel his need to move in an overwhelming way. I think a big part of this feeling is all thanks to that accident and the pain I find myself feeling every day, and the frustration of not being able to physically do what I want. It is time I make peace with it. So here goes nothing…

I’m starting to collect pieces of who I want to be when I grow up… Which I guess means I do plan on growing up one day. Animal rescue it high on the list, I miss my pups every day and I’m ready to get a pup of my own to keep. A MurMur who never leaves my side and loves me as much as I love him and his furry little happiness. The thought of going back to school and being responsible seems like far too much commitment for me, but maybe now it is time to look into alternative education. Travelling the world is such an amazing experience. There is a part of me that thinks I might never stop moving. Seems 6 months in one place is long enough for me to be ready to hit the road again. I have decided I will definitely be spending the summer in Galway. Now is just the decision of when to get back to travelling before I return to Kelowna Spring 2017.